Thursday 4 September 2008

Screen resolutions

Further to my research into setting out grids for web based design i found an interesting article on (full link will appear at the bottom of this post) detailing the correct screen width to set your layout bearing in mind most users are now using monitors with a resolution of 1024 x 768, as opposed to 800 x 600.

If you take into consideration that the chrome scroll bars down the left and right hand sides take up between 40-50 pixels, the remaining width of the broser will be 974-984 pixels. The fact that most users dont browse at full screen and 974-984 isn't a divisibly friendly figure makes sense of rounding the screen resolution down to 960, which coincides nicely with the browser width when not viewing full screen and can be divided by many whole numbers to make grid formation simpler.

For more information see the link below.

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