Wednesday 26 November 2008

chess piece

Chess piece made in Maya.
First imported an image of a bishop into photoshop, and drew round it using the pen tool.
Went File - Export - paths to illustrator and saved the paths as an Ai document.
Then imported path into Maya - File - import
Under Surfaces menu go Surfaces - revolve
Then threw a quick lambert shader on it and coloured it white with a white spherical background and rendered it out.

Finished render isn't all that impressive, needs far more detail in the shading, but the purpose of this exercise was to achieve the correct geometry. It's not too bad, bit jagged here and there, probably need to make my paths bigger and smoother in order to achieve more flowing results.

Also need to figure out how to seal the top and bottom, cut a cylinder from the centre and subtract the crenellations.

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