Tuesday 18 November 2008

Vinegar Robot

Sterile white background, dance music, all things considered futuristic. Been fishing around for information about what white signifies and found an interesting comment on a blog called "Uaridi" (the Swahili name for rose) that is dedicated to different colour roses and their meaning...


Why this colour ?
It has been brought to my attention that I have not done a post on roses for a while, so this is for you.

Roses come in a variety of colours and each colour (and sometimes shade) has different symbolism. I have selected a few of the commoner rose colours as an aid for you to interpret the meaning behind the roses he brings to you.
When he brings you white roses, I suggest caution; he could be wanting to place you on a pedestal because white roses symbolise innocence, purity, secrecy, friendship, reverence and humility.


Quite interesting, although this refers specifically to a white rose and not just the colour, it's surprising to see words like "friendship" and "humility" connected with robotics.

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