Wednesday 10 October 2007

2020 - neurotechnology


The definitions used worldwide by leading researchers, governments, and journals include:
"The Neurotechnology Industry includes companies developing drugs, devices, and diagnostics for the brain and nervous system" - NeuroInsights
"Neurotechnology is any technology that makes it possible to manipulate the brain." -The Economist, May 23rd, 2002
"On the leading edge of neurotechnology is psychopharmacology." -Eric Kandel, Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, 2000
"Hardware, software, and wetware that would be used to study the brain or behavior in basic or clinical research." -DHHS, 2001
"Neurotechnology is how information technology and biotechnology affect the brain. -Baroness Susan Greenfield, UK, 2002
"Neurotechnology is the application of electronics and engineering to the human nervous system." -Neurotech Business Repo

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