Monday 5 November 2007

2020 - bahavioral science

Brave New World
In Huxley's novel we are introduced to genetic engineering as a means to define a society. People are "created" Sounds problematic, dystopian and the starting point of fascist regime. It was later revealed after the second world war that Adolf Hitler played around with such ideas creating the "Aryan" race.
Also the point Anthony Burgess was making with a "Clockwork Orange"; was the importance of choice. Choise is what defines us as human beings, without it you are a useless entity ie. a clockwork orange.

This microchip could be used in a similar way, there is evidence already of implanted microchips being used to sedate animals (in this case a raging bull". So there's definately scope to control behaviour much more intricately. For instance, people who are depressed need not suffer the side effects intrinsic to a course of Prozac. Criminal courts would no longer be handing out custodial sentences for violent offenders, rapists etc. Instead, reccomend a course of "reprogramming" to passify the "patient".
People who are Obese - no problem, use the chip to electronically overide any gluttonous urges. Can't get out of bed? Simply find the impulse responsible for morning lethargy and overide it.

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