Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Grid Systems - kimberly Elam

Notes from the above title...

Project Elements and Process
A three column by three row structure is the format for exploring texture and composition (rule of thirds).

Grouping of elements is important in visual messaging. Builds an immediate relationship with other relating elements in close proximity.Both similar and dissimilar elements can be grouped to create rhythm and repetition.

Negative Space and Grouping

Negative space (white space) is the space not occupied by composition. The shape of the negative space will have a direct impact on the viewer. White spaces should try to be grouped and larger in size making them simpler and more cohesive.

Perimeter Edge and Axial Relationships

Allow elements to touch all four sides of the format, all spaces are activated and the format expands visually.

The axis (center point of the edge of the element) should align on a vertical or horizontal column to make the composition stronger.

The Law of Thirds

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