Wednesday 19 November 2008

honda asimo robot

The amazing "Asimo" showing off his newly learnt abilities. Same sort of settings again, sterile unadulterated scientific environment. Interesting is the fact they've programmed the robot to interact with human beings and every day objects in an attempt to give the machine a bit of personality. People tend to have a negative reaction to robotics, seeing them as temperamental and dangerous. Now it appears that robot engineers are anxious to demonstrate their dexterity and genteel attitude towards human beings (of-coarse we know robots don't have attitudes) to a society whose suspicions have already been aroused by various hollywood blockbuster films.

Notice at the very end of the advert the girl bows- which is a humanistic symbol prominent in Oriental countries as a mark of respect or aristocracy. In return the robot bows back as a display of semiotic empathy tennis. I still think it's a little boy dressed in a suit.

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