Wednesday 19 November 2008

Showreel Jul-Nov 2008 by salsux

Showreel Jul-Nov 2008 from salsux on Vimeo.

Really like the use of type in this clip, the way it moves around the screen in the first instance to make way for the live action, and how it utilises graphic symbols, that also animate to become integral to the final composition.

Type is at its best when it's integrated seamlessly into the composition rather than just being overlayed without consideration. Similar to Kevin Lambs showreel in terms of pacing and the different frames seem to be interconnected with each other. For instance the use of the pepperpot in the first instance is a typographic element, that transforms into a graphic element and ties the two different shots together.

Key features highlighted in the brief was the user interface interacting with the robot (via usb) and i had planned to show the information traveling through the wire until it reaches its destination. This sort of imagery is well depicted at the 14 second mark in this film - reminds me of driving down a tunnel in the dark.

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